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All grant requests should be sent to:


Grant Requests made to the Chicago Society Foundation (“Foundation”) must comply with the following guidelines to be considered.


 1. Grant requests must be in accord with the applicable provisions of the Foundation Constitution.


     a. “The purpose of the Chicago Society Foundation is to provide philanthropic and charitable assistance to meet the needs of individuals primarily of Polish heritage and organizations primarily dedicated to the Polish-American or Polish community within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue law.”


     b. “The mission of the Foundation is to improve the well-being of the Polish-America and Polish communities by supporting cultural, historical and educational projects of qualified individuals and organizations.”


Please note Grants for construction, renovation or remodeling are not generally considered to be within the mission of the Chicago Society Foundation.


 2. The Foundation Board regularly meets four times a year, on the fourth Monday of January, April, July and October.  All grant requests must be submitted by U.S mail (postmarked) or e-mail by December 15, March 15, June 15, or September 15, as the case may be, to be considered at the subsequent Board meeting.  Grant requests will be considered at the next meeting date following a timely and complete request. Please send all requests to Chicago Society Foundation, 6348 Milwaukee Avenue #360, Chicago, IL 60646, or to the email address identified on the Chicago Society website, Foundation page, at 


 3. All requests must be in writing, signed by the chief executive officer or duly authorized and evidenced representative of the organization, and include the following information:


     a. The contact information of the organization, including an individual’s specific name, phone number, postal address, email address, and the requesting organization’s website if available.


     b. A detailed statement of the intended use(s) of the grant funds and conformity with the Foundation’s purpose and mission as outlined in the Constitution.


      c. A detailed business plan or budget, including expenses, outlining the proposed use of the requested grant. Requests by individuals should include a statement of time and expense contribution anticipated by the applicant personally.


     d. The specific dollar amount requested. If the request exceeds $1,000.00, such request must include the most recent financial statement or filed tax return to be considered.


     e. A list of any other sources and amounts of community or agency/governmental support for the last three (3) years, or state “none” if there has not been any community support.


Please note the Board in its discretion may request additional information, including financial, from any applicant.


The Foundation will notify an applicant of any action taken on its grant request within 30 days following a Board meeting. 



As approved by the Board of Directors on January 27, 2020

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